Monday, December 29, 2008

Then and Now


about 1994

around 1994-1995

about 1997 or 1996

around 1998?

June 24th 2000

Sometime in 2005-2006

Feb 2007

June-July 2007

Early August 2007

Around Late August Early Sept 2007

December/November 2007

Around Feb 2008

Early-mid June 2008

Late July

Early August... had this cut for only like 2 weeks

around early august 2008

around nov? 2008



Bryce said...

Aww, look at lil Emberlee! ;)
Cool photos!

I definitely find it interesting (and somewhat amusing) that we always do fall out of communication. haha. It's probably just 'cause I'm so darned busy. Ugh. It's hard to balance things, you know? But I actually feel like I've been doing well lately -- I can actually breathe! haha

Hope you had a good day!
Again, thanks for the encouragement and feedback. :)

Bryce said...

p.s. kristine said it's all good to give you a ride to the dance after my play. just be at the theatre about 30 mins til 7 to be sure you get a ticket and meet kristine. sound good? :)

Kristine said...

Aw! I loved seeing those pictures of you growing up! Makes me want to do something like that for myself! :) I loved being a little kid. I love where I am now though!