Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sick Computer

So my computer currently has a really nasty hard to remove trojan and a few minor viruses and a butt load of spyware/adware.

So far I've been through 3 anti-virus scanners and have finally located most the infected files/folders. I've also run 2 different worm/virus/trojan removal programs. I've also manually deleted some stuff.... and I'm STILL not done. I've spent 10+ hours on this, sometimes I really wish I had a mac.

But, then I remember macs don't play video games and one of the only reasons macbooks don't have viruses is because most all viruses are encoded into IE (internet explorer).

Speaking of IE... don't use it, download another browser instead. Try opera, or firefox. Using IE makes it easier to get adware/spyware on your comp, among other things. It's interface and userfriendlyness isn't really all that great either. PLus all it's 'col' features are just lame copycats from firefox (or other browsers).


Julie said...

Hey Em,
I am so SICK of computer viruses and crashes and inexplicable (to me) slow downs. UGH. I'm thinking about trying a Mac next...

Embers said...

ha tell me about it, if it wasn't for my gaming addiction i'd ditch my pc.