Sunday, February 15, 2009

Old Journal Entry: True Desire

Everyone wants something, the key is knowing how to get it. How far will you go, and how much can you sacrifice? How much do you really want it, and best of all why? Are your reasons for wanting pure enough? Are they genuine and selfless, or selfish? Are the things you want something you can truly desire? Are they worth the desire you have for them? Are they fickle things that wont matter once you have them, or are they things that could stand the tests of time?

Everyone wants something in life, something important and unique only to themselves.
What do you want?

The things you want, truly want, are never changing and always there. The desire is embedded within your heart, it never sleeps, never rests from dusk till dawn. The thought of it brings a peace of mind, a stillness of heart. The desire for it will drive you to it, push you forward, stronger and stronger as you go. And even when accomplished and won, it never leaves, never fades. It carries on, always there, never forgotten, always needed, forever treasured inside it's home within your heart.

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