Sunday, February 15, 2009

Old Journal Entry: Misery

Just because someone is wallowing in their own misery, doesn't mean they see it so. People can create their own personal hell, and not even realize it. They're happy that way, happy being sad, spiteful, or angry. Happy hating the world. Happy in their own pride and misery.

In the end they really are only cheating themselves though. They don't want to reach higher, because to them it's not worth it. They don't want to.

Misery doesn't always seem like misery. It can seem normal, perfect, fine. But what the people who live in their misery don't realize is that yes they are happy, but they could be even happier. They don't realize what they cheat themselves and those around them of. But the ones who DO realize this, and do nothing about it are all the more ignorant. And in their ignorance, lies their ever consuming hell of living in denial. But don't try telling them this, they'll fight you and not believe you and act as if they see what they really cannot.

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